I am not a resolution type girl!! Sure people say they are too, but I am one of those folks who believes it!! After all, I put enough pressure on myself on a daily basis without adding a proclamation for my family and friends to measure my progress against!! No thank you!
I don't have any major goals to accomplish for 2009! I want the same things for this year as for the years past -- to be happy, to grow closer to my Savior, to be used by Him, for my family and I to be healthy and close, and for everyone to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Lofty? Possibly, but the Lord can and will do anything in this life. He will even use a quirky and ADHD challenged chica like myself.
Unfortunately, my biggest adversary to finding the things I want for my life -- is typing at this very keyboard. ME!!! More defined, my mind -- it likes to race off on its own and conjure up CRAZY stories based in the land of "What if?" and "It could happen."
Take this morning for example. The resident little guy decided to come pay a visit to his ole momma in the wee hours of daybreak for a little cuddle time. (awwww!!! - -I loves me some kiddie cuddles...) Anyway, once I was fully awake instead of enjoying the soft feel of his breath on my arm and the warmth of hubby close behind us -- my mind started to run amok!! After what seemed like forever (in reality was only about 30 minutes), I deposited said tiny interloper back into his warm bed. I lay back down but it was futile and I was now fully awake. I decided to make the most of my morning and enjoy a little quiet time with my Father and maybe blog a little.
My Bible study and chat with the Lord was timely. It was on quieting ourselves and meditating upon the Lord. WHEW!!! He is so awesome!! He always knows what I need to hear. Just prior to my arrival in hubby's office my mind had begun to focus on life -- you know all the "stuff" we need to do and "things" that need to be done and "people" that challenge us.. My particular areas of concern were: hubby's job and possible lay off; getting his new business off the ground; whether to home school Little Man in the fall or send him to school -- if so public or private?; the state of our family finances and things we can do to keep from sinking below the red line in our savings account --too late!!; hubby's back problems; the health of his parents and mine; and so on and so on.. I must say -- this was all in the span of about 15 minutes. For those of you that know me -- AND you thought I could talk fast - my mouth has nothing on my head!!
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?
Matthew 6:27 (NIV)
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34 (NIV)
What God showed me this morning is that NONE of that matters!! I need to redirect my mind towards Him, bring my cares to Him, spend time with Him, focus on Him, desire to be like Him, emulate Him...... In essence, all of that "stuff" will work itself out. God has and never will desert me even in my darkest hours. He will always provide just as he does so for the birds of the air and the flowers of the Earth!
Look at the birds of the air;
do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26 (NIV)
Now, the internet has decided to go down and my online resources are caput!! I am now left with the thoughts in my head. I think I will turn off the computer and spend a little more time before the throne. It seems to be a better decision and a great way to start my day!
Dear Father – thank You so much for Your grace! Thank You for being there in Your word – ALIVE and ready to show me what You have planned for me and to bring me back to the reason I was created – to serve and honor You! I pray that You be with me as I go through this and every day! In the Precious Name of Jesus AMEN!
· What thoughts keep you awake at night? Do you find that worry consumes you?
· Do you take your petitions, problems, concerns, questions and the like to the Lord in prayer?
· I find it helpful to write down my thoughts in prayer form in a journal. This way, I can look back and see that the Lord brought me through every single concern.
· Pray that the Lord will give you guidance. Find a trusted Christian friend, mentor and/or pastor with whom you can confide.
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