Saturday, May 17, 2008

What's a Girl to DO?????

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5 (NIV) I sit at my kitchen table this morning with my little fella playing at my feet and I ponder what I should write. I stare out the window at the hazy day outside the panes and wonder if there will be rain today. I watch and listen to my little boy as he has an ongoing dialogue with his matchbox cars and am amazed at how big he has become. How many of us have days like this one? I know that not every day can be filled with activities and hustle and bustle. For that I am thankful! Unfortunately, I am unable to keep up anymore! It is nice to have nothing to do, nothing to write about and no where to be. However, antsy is one of my character traits. I have a need to be on the move. Even when I talk on the phone, I most often pace around my living room, kitchen and bedroom while I carry on a conversation. I think relaxing days make me antsy as well. I wish that I could just relax and enjoy the hear and now. Guess I feel like I have to accomplish something or be needed to have purpose. I don't know where or when that I started in my life. I am sure it would come as no surprise to learn that I am an avid list maker. I get a rush out of marking items off my list. I have been known to go to the list and write down something that I did that day, just to mark it off. AAACCCCKKKK!!! My family and friends accept me for all that I am -- bundle of energy and all, but my Heavenly Father knows me inside and out. He knew what I would be like before He brought me into being. He has a purpose for my -uhum- busyness! He can and will use anything that He equips us with in our lives. That's why some of us are Marthas and some of us are Marys. The important thing that I am working on is find a hybrid and balance of the two within myself. For all my fellow A-type personalities out there, let's ban together to make a difference. God wants to use us too! Dear Father in Heaven -- This has been such a week of heaviness, sadness yet celebration. I pray that you help me to learn to embrace a relaxing moment in my life and not get too busy to miss You or time with You. Thank you for the assurance of salvation and that I will see those that have passed on again! AMEN Application:

  • Are you able to relax given the opportunity?
  • Are you a hybrid of a Martha and Mary?
  • Pray that the Lord abide in you and give you the insight to do His will, His way!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Paula, You have described me to a "T"! I have a hard time sitting down and relaxing.. especially if I am at home. I always see something that I think needs to be done instead.

Thanks for this post. You've definitely given me something to think about.

Have a great week!