Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gotta lose a few pounds...

"There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." Proverbs 6:16-19 (NIV)

I have noticed that my pants have been getting a little more snug lately. (For those of you that noticed and didn't say anything --- Thank you!!) I think that it is one of those things that we have to discover or at least admit to ourselves. I wasn't helping my situation at all with cake decorating classes and volunteering to make cakes for EVERY occasion for family and friends. Of course, there was always EXTRA frosting and I had to make sure my little fella had some cake at home - so what's another dozen cupcakes!!!

Well, multiple cakes later along a recent stop to the Carvel ice cream store for an ice cream cake in which my family of 3 consumed in 3 days!! I am ashamed to admit that I may have eaten more than half of it myself. I can't help myself -- I love those cakes. At least I didn't have to bake it -- shouldn't that count for something and maybe leave a few less calories and fat cells on my body. But, I must say that cake, cookies, candy and all my favorite things are no respecter of persons. They simply exist to indulge and reward us and it is our part to avoid overindulging. Well, needless to say -- I have overindulged and am now paying the price. I have headed back to the gym and worked out for an extremely hard 2 hours yesterday. I woke up sore today but feeling somewhat better. I have sworn off sweets and fried foods but I did partake of a 100grand mini chocolate bar while working at the church today. (WHY AM I SOOO WEAK??) I am glad to say that I stopped short of finishing the entire pack -- that in and of itself is an accomplishment on my part. Just like my attempt to study the Bible, my weight loss and plan to get back to my fighting weight will require discipline, self-control and most importantly - small bites!! God knows how we are made and it is my belief that He shakes His head and smiles at some of the things we do. Of course, there are times in which he probably wants to act like most parents and try to reach down and stop us from doing something we shouldn't. Yet, I believe He allows us to "do" what we want so that we know first hand the consequences, the pain and the challenge to make things right when we do things in extreme. He loves us nonetheless -- no matter the sin (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and/or pride). I am sorry to say but I can confess to all these sins at one time or another in my life - many at the same time!! But, the difference is that now that I have the Holy Spirit living within me, I feel the conviction of these sins much sooner. As for my current dilemma I have gotten myself in to, at least I am 5 pounds heavier versus 15 pounds before I made the discovery and made a plan to adjust my negligent behavior. I am not saying to gain 5 pounds is a sin -- but to say that when we know in our heart that something is wrong and not react to change our behavior so that it no longer impacts us or those around us in a negative manner. I know that no one is going to have a problem with my weight but me. But for now, that's okay. This also allows me to spend more time with the Lord because I take my Bible study and praise and worship music to the gym. Maybe He allowed me to indulge just to get me to spend more time with Him. Whatever the reason -- I hope to see you at the gym. I'll be the one sweating and trying to lose 10 pounds while chomping on a celery stick and drinking water!!! Please don't bring the chocolate!! Dear Lord -- Thank you for being there in my life. I thank you for the Holy Spirit for conviction in my life when I am falling outside of Your will in many areas of my walk with You. I pray that You help me to have the motivation to improve my quality of life (especially my choice of foods) and do the things that are good for me. In the name of Jesus I pray, AMEN Application:
  • Are there any areas of your life in which need your attention to change?
  • Do you struggle with any areas of the "deadly sins" mentioned above?
  • Pray that the Lord will give you clarity and direction on how to improve in any areas you seem to be struggling!

Refined By Him,


1 comment:

TheSmellyArmpit said...

Thanks for this post! I'm sitting here eating from a bag of chips and just polished off some more chocolate. *sheepish grin*
I'm needing to improve on what foods I choose to eat and this was a good thing from me to read right now. (chocolate is one of my downfalls)