The Lord has laid this one word upon my heart for almost a month now -- CLARITY. I can't seem to conjure up any thoughts or reasons behind the word but it is always what comes to mind when I think about blogging, thus the lull in my activity. I haven't been able to put together a complete sentence much less a decent blog entry because I can't explain or even begin to elaborate on the word that has been impressed upon me.
Well tonight -- or should I say early morning - I decided to research the word. I started with one of my favorite resources, I found the actual word clarity mentioned on two occasions but in different translations.
The first is from the New King James --
"and they saw the God of Israel.
And there was under His feet
as it were a paved work of sapphire stone,
and it was like the very heavens
in its
Exodus 24:10 (NKJV)
That one didn't resonate with me in regards to the word that has weighed heavy on my mind. I went on looking and found another verse -- this time in the New Living Translation.
"Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror,
but then we will see everything with perfect
All that I know now is partial and incomplete,
but then I will know everything completely,
just as God now knows me completely."
1 Cor 13:12 (NLT)
Now we're getting somewhere! That one struck a cord with me. How often do I find myself questioning God about the actions and reactions of this world? How often do I ask Him WHY?? -- only to have no answer. The sound of silence is deafening at best.
In our church, we have a young mother who was recently diagnosed with an incurable cancer. She had no idea this was coming. She just went in to see why she was so tired and that her back hurt. She was sent home with a prognosis and a life sentence of 6-9 months. That is enough to question why but to go back further. She and her husband lost their 6 year old daughter unexpectedly 3 years ago. She was not ill but something came upon her suddenly and claimed her life, leaving behind a grieving mother, father and young brother. Now, fast-forward 3+ years later and the father and son are staring at the inevitable -- they will lose the mother soon.
The last update I received was an hour or so ago and she has been moved to hospice. It appears that the 6-9 months that were estimated a few weeks ago are more than she can withstand. I cannot begin to understand an ounce of what this family is going through but what I can tell you is that their testimony has been nothing short of a blessing for me and others in our church.
Despite all that has happened with this sweet family, they have never cursed God. They have continued to offer Him praise and glory. Furthermore, they have called her healing or her death a "win-win." I can't imagine having that much faith and relying on it in a time like this. I hope - should I have to face such odds or something similar in my life that I can have one inkling of the faith these two people have. I am ashamed to say that I may not be that brave! I want to be that brave - I want to be that sure of my God. I want to be a source of strength for others during my darkest hours as these two have been for our congregation.
No matter what happens. I know the pain will be great but it will not be counted as loss. I wonder if they know what a legacy she will leave behind should the Lord chose not to heal her? I guess that is the clarity God is speaking of -- that we won't know it all on this side of heaven but once we get "home" it will all make sense. Praise God!!
Dear Father - I pray for the Almonte family and ask that Your will be done in regards to healing on this side of Heaven or beyond. I pray for peace and comfort for the family. I ask that Your loving arms be around them during what may seem like the darkest of days. Thank You for their faithfulness to the God we serve. I thank You for pointing out "clarity" in my own life and allowing me to delve into the Word and into my heart to see what You would have me learn. In the Precious Name of Jesus - AMEN.
- I ask for prayers to be lifted up for this young family and that God's will to be done and for Him to receive the honor and glory even though we may not have "clarity" to be able to understand all that happens.
- Examine your own life for areas in which you need clarity and ask the Lord to reveal or at least give you a glimpse of a reason
- Pray for God to be real to you at all times in order to be able to deal with whatever life throws your way.
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