Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's been a couple of weeks since I penned a Thankful Thursday post. My house has been under the weather and I must admit, it appears to have started with me this time. Go figure - -I was so busy taking care of others that I forgot to look out for myself. I am thankful for so much this week.
  • My family is starting to feel much better.
  • My friend Michelle took my little fella last week in order for me to have a much needed "me day." -- THANK YOU THANK YOU
  • I was able to vote early yesterday - thankful for a country that allows us to exercise our democratic freedom
  • That the lines for voting are long -- that means a lot of people want to make their voices heard.
  • For my hubby and all the hard work he has done lately
  • For my mom and step-dad for watching Little Man last weekend so Hubby and I could have the weekend to go to the USF game and have some time alone
  • The upcoming women's Christmas banquet at our church and all the folks stepping up to help out
  • My salvation and the boldness to tell others about my faith
  • My friends and family
  • My little man even though there are times I wonder how people with more than one child make it through the day
For more Thankful Thursday -- visit Iris at Grace Alone. Blessings to you and yours, Paula


Laurie Ann said...

Sweet list of blessings. Hope your family is feeling better. We've been under the weather, too. It's no fun! Happy Thankful Thursday to you!

Denise said...

Praise God for helping your family feel better.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I am glad you are beginning to feel better. Being sick can knock so much out of us. I have an only child, too. I do not know how my friends make it with more than one. God knew what He was doing when He gave me an only! I hope you have a great Friday and weekend!